Advisory Board

Woo-kyoung Ahn
Ahn’s main area of research interest is higher-level reasoning processes. In particular, she studies how people learn and represent concepts and causal relations, how causal explanations shape our thinking processes, and in what ways our reasoning deviates from rational principles. She also studies applied issues, such as how expert clinicians’ causal explanations for mental disorders affect their diagnoses, and how learning about their genetic predispositions affects people’s expectations about their symptoms of mental illnesses. She has been teaching undergraduate and graduate courses on critical thinking and rationality. She served as the associate editor of Journal of Experimental Psychology: General and Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications. She is a fellow of American Psychological Association, a fellow of the Association for Psychological Science, and a professor at Yale University.

Gilles Dowek
Gilles Dowek is a researcher at INRIA (the French National Research Institute for Research in Digital Science and Technology) and a professeur attaché at the ENS Paris-Saclay (Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay, one of France’s best “grandes écoles” and also a research center). His research interests are in the formalization of mathematics, proof processing systems, the physics of computation, the safety of aerospace systems, and the epistemology and ethics of informatics. Gilles is a member of Cerna (Commission de réflexion sur l’éthique de la recherche en sciences et technologies du numérique), of the Scientific board of the Société Informatique de France, and of the Scientific board of La main à la pâte, a French foundation dedicated to improving the quality of science and technology teaching in primary and middle schools. He recently published Ce dont on ne peut parler, il faut l’écrire : Langues et langages (Le Pommier, 2019).

William T. Gormley, Jr.